You do ask lots of questions, but that’s great. I’ll always try to answer and I won’t give you BS, I will tell you if I don’t know.
To take your questions:
Q:Wow! He received £706,000 AND an apology? For a year in jail?
A: He spent 13 months in jail, but until Napper was convicted, which was not until 2008, he was always regarded by some with suspicion. This was quite unfair, quite unwarranted, he had been acquitted, but nevertheless, as the saying goes, mud sticks. He was a pariah. He says he was virtually unemployable. He lost his home and it went on for years. The judge at his trail accused the police of massive dishonesty for the way that tried to entrap this man. It was more than just a year in prison on remand.
Q: Why did it take so long to get him to trial?
A: I think this was just over a year. That would not be unusual in the U.K. for a serious offence. I think it depends on Court availability and scheduling and so on.
Q: Why was he still in jail and not out on bail?
A: As with the US, I believe, some of this is if he is seen as a flight risk and the likelihood of his committing further ofences whilst on bail. The prosection would have to make a cse to the judge as to why refusing bail was the correct response. They must have done so but i dont know the details.
Q: Was his lawyer court appointed? Does Great Britain appoint lawyers as as we do in the states for the indigent?
A: You can choose your own lawyer (if you can pay) and if you cant pay a lawyer will be appointed for you. There are two types of lawers defending those accused of crimes in the UK, solicitors and barristers. Solicitors are not allowed to appear before higher level courts, so the defendant will need a barrister too. You either pay, or you may find someone who will work pro bono or there is something called legal aid if you cant pay.
By the way (and forgive me if this seems picky), but Great Britain is a geographical feature. it is the name of the largest island in the British Isles. The country is called ‘The United Kingdom’ (usually just ‘the UK), or in full “The United Kingdon of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. There is no country called Great Britsin.
Q; Do you have the right to speedy trial as we do (and so many accused waive for some reason)?
A: Basically, no, but an excessive delay would quite probably see a case thrown out.